Communing With Your Heart CD

Communing with Your Heart

Communing with Your Heart

Essential Heart Physics:

1 Physical Relaxation CD

The Bible is full of admonitions to commune with our heart, be still and know, wait on the Lord, meditate, consider, ponder, and dozens of other terms about getting quiet and still before God. In our attempt to make the Gospel fit into our twenty-first century lifestyle, we have ignored those instructions. We have become the pot that attempts to instruct the potter.

Jesus went as far as to tell us that the Word of God could only come back to us in strength and life to the degree of thought and study we gave to it. (Mark 4:24 AMP) We want to confess it a few times and run on to our next activity. It just doesn’t work that way.

This CD will lead you through a physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Then you will be able to recognize the voice of your heart as well as the voice of God in your heart.

Use it daily for one month and you will easily be able to reach the relaxed meditative state. From here, experiencing God in your heart will have a new meaning and power in your life. Remember, faith is believing in your heart, not your head! When you believe (in your heart) all things are possible!



  1. Neil Gracie

    I have found Heart Physics to be pretty amazing – having worked through the 28 day course and then put-off put-on as well, I now find I can reach the secret place in a minute or so – and it is now second nature – I am finding I have started to hear God’s voice in my heart with a deeper clarity which is amazing – so much had changed in my life over the year I have been doing heart physics!!! One thing is that my metabolism seems to be changing – I have always struggled with losing weight (being quite stockily built!) but now I just forget to eat – I don’t like being full of food, I can’t be bothered with it quit often, I only enjoy food if it’s healthy and I have lost a stone in six months without any effort at all !!!


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